Payam Nikdel Research Assistant at Simon Fraser University.


For more information, click on the project title:

LBGP: Learning Based Goal Planner for Following Ahead

We propose LBGP, a follow ahead method that uses both reinforcement learning and point based navigation. We address the limitations of classical methods and end-to-end approaches by combining Deep RL and classical motion planner

Relational Graph Learning for Crowd Navigation

Designed a relational graph learning approach for robotic crowd navigation using model-based deep reinforcement learning that plans actions by looking into the future. Tools: Pytorch, ROS, Stage, Python, OpenCV

Recognizing and Tracking High-Level, Human-Meaningful Navigation Features of Occupancy Grid Maps

Built an occupancy grid map during online and at the same time use a neural network (Based on ResNet34 and YOLOv2) to detect, locate and say the target classes around the robot. Tools: Pytorch, ROS, Stage, Python, OpenCV

Human Pose and Orientation estimation

Designed a fast human pose and orientation estimator based on the OpenPose structure

Lip Reading Using Dual Attention Model

Crated a dataset from youtube videos to train an audio-visal lipreading system

The Hands-Free Push-Cart Autonomous Following in Front by Predicting User Trajectory Around Obstacles

Presented a human model for an autonomous mobile robot that follows a walking user while staying ahead of them. Used multi-modal person detection and a human-motion model that considers obstacles to predict the future path of the user.

Reinforcing a Supervised Deep Network for Maximal Map Exploration

Use a combination of Deep RL and transfer learning to train an agent to do maximal map coverage in an unknown map.

Describe The Path Using Attention Model

Desined a Attention neural model to describe navigation environemnt featured for visually impaired people.

Person ReIdentification using Point Cloud

Re-identifying people using 3D point cloud data.

Daydream Algorithm

presented a classical method to solve collecting food from unknown sources.

Control mouse with Hands

Controll the mouse curser by tracking the user's hand using a RGB camera

Control mouse with eyes

Controlled the mouse pointer by detecting user's gaze direction

Pure P2P File Sharing Application Written in Python

Created a pear to pear software for sharing files

3D Multiplayer Game With AI

Designed a multiplayer first person shooter game in Unity3d with the capibility of 100 concurrent players.

Making two player 3D game in DirectX

Created a multiplayer game using DirectX

GPU Efficient Image Processing

Used OpenCL to speed up image processing algorithms

Book Shopping Website

Implimented a book shpping website using Django and MVC pattern.

Small Game Console

Made a simple game consule with two games using Atmega 32, touch pad, AVR and GLCD

Implementing Minmax and Alpha-Beta pruning in PacMan and Hex game

Used Minmax algorithm to solve the PacMan and Hex game.

Course Management System

Designed a course management system using J2EE, Hibernate, HTML and JS.

Client Server Program

Created a clinet server system

Snake Game With AI

Designed a 2D snake game with AI. This project ranked first for it's AI (artificial inteligence) in Advanced programming class.

Snake Robot

Built a snake robot using servo motor and ATMEGA32
Last Update in Jan 2017